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2025 Presidential Transition

Friday Chat 2/7/2025

Friday Chat, February 7, 2025  1 pm Eastern time.

Federal web site changes/disappearance

This guide was created to gather resources for Friday Chat.

Register on Friday Chat page

image of White House with text: 404 Page Not Found


image of White House with text: 404 Page Not Found

See something save something

In order to be efficient - links to other resources are included.

We are currently not duplicating their links here. If you know of a comprehensive site, let us know and we will switch efforts to help them.

This guide will most likely be re-organized.  As of 2/10/2025, we will focus on adding content from the Feb. 7 Friday Chat and other collaborative efforts.

Transitions from one presidential administration to another usually involve some changes to federal government websites. January 2025 saw an increase in such changes.

Some sites have changed terminology - example “climate resilience” has replaced "climate change". Other terms and topics being scrubbed are: diversity; equity; inclusion/inclusive; pregnant people; gender; gender identity; transgender

From Friday 2/7/2025 Chat

From the chat box of 2/7/2025 discussion.

We will flesh out context as time permits.

  • Bluesky
  • Have confirmed IA content is mirrored in Canada so that's a bit of good news
  • The ProQuest Congressional, etc PDFs should be safe, as they're hosted by ProQuest. ERIC documents via ProQuest (and EBSCOhost?) point to the ERIC website, so they're endangered. Coherent Digital claims to dark-archive a lot of material, to be unlocked if the linked source documents are lost ... but I don't know of any cases they've activated stuff and whether they're free to the world or for purchasers only.

Get involved - this article has great suggestions

Resources from 2/7/2025 discussion's chat box: