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GODORT 2024 Annual Meetings

Meeting schedule and session descriptions for the GODORT 2024 Annual Meetings

Rare & Endangered Publications Committee | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm CDT 

Rare & Endangered Publications Committee

June 12, 2024 | 9:00 am PDT / 10:00am MDT / 11:00am CDT / 12:00pm EDT


The Rare and Endangered Government Publications (REGP) committee seeks to identify rare, unique and/or endangered government publications, in all formats and from all levels of government; to evaluate materials for preservation and conservation; and to plan programs and workshops on the preservation of these materials.


I.    Welcome/Introductions
II.    GODORT’s Task Force on Committee Size & Composition and REGP
III.    Project identifying holdings and preservation stewards for government information 
IV.     Announcements

GODORT Technology Committee | 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CDT

Technology Committee

June 12, 2024 | 10:00 am PDT / 11:00 am MDT / 12:00 pm CDT / 1:00 pm EDT


The Technology Committee is responsible for maintaining and updating GODORT's website, including regularly soliciting content from other GODORT committees, task forces, and interest groups, granting and revoking access to GODORT's LibGuides account for current and outgoing committee members, and creating and maintaining guidelines, timelines, and best practices for GODORT's online platforms.



  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Preservation Grant update.
  3. Update on the Task Force on Committee Size & Composition recommendations

New PPM:

  1. New GODORT site - what still needs work
  2. Next steps



Legislation Committee | 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm CDT

Legislation Committee

June 12, 2024 | 11:00am PDT/ 12:00pm MDT / 1:00 pm CDT / 2:00pm EDT

The Legislation Committee:

  • identifies issues requiring legislative action;
  • prepares or advises on resolutions for the membership, Steering Committee, task forces and committees;
  • assists the ALA Washington Office on issues affecting federal government legislation; and
  • assists and coordinates legislative action with other ALA bodies.


  1. Approval of Minutes: 


  1. Old Business

    1. Update on Advocacy Plan recommendation: at the January 9, 2024 meeting, the GODORT Steering Committee gave approval to GODORT’s Legislation Committee to work on updates to the language in this plan. Suggestions are related to the digital first approach to the FDLP that the Government Publishing Office has outlined. Sarah Causey, Kelsey Flynn, and Aaron Wilson, Chair of GODORT Education Committee, drafted new language. Aaron presented this to Steering for consideration.

    2. GODORT Policy & Procedures Manual 

    3. New Business

    4. Updates

    5. Liaison Updates

    6. Open Discussion



State & Local Documents Interest Group | 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm CDT 

State & Local Documents Interest Group

June 12, 2024 | 12:00 pm PDT / 1:00pm MDT / 2:00pm CDT / 3:00 pm EDT


The State and Local Documents Interest Group (SLDIG) of the Government Documents Round Table provides a forum for librarians and others working with, or interested in, state and local government information. The Task Force focuses attention on the problems and concerns of documents librarian and others, offering an opportunity for discussion and exchange of ideas and news in the field of state, regional, and local information. The Task Force provides a means for initiation and supporting bibliographic control, guidelines and special programs and for increasing the availability, management and use of state and local information.
