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Presidents of the United States

State and National Standards

State Standards are ever-changing. Check-in with your State Social Studies Association for the latest version, as many states are creating legislatively developed Standards. 

National State Standards include the C3: College, Career, and Civic Life Framework for Social Studies State Standards. 
While these are not Standards- they are the framework from which States build their own.  

The C3 Framework has  5 Guiding Principles: 

  • Social studies prepares the nation’s young people for college, careers, and civic life.
  • Inquiry is at the heart of social studies.
  • Social studies involve interdisciplinary applications and welcomes the integration of the arts and humanities.
  • Social studies is composed of deep and enduring understandings, concepts, and skills from the disciplines. Social studies emphasizes skills and practices as preparation for democratic decision-making.
  • Social studies education should have direct and explicit connections to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts.

The 4 Dimensions center on the skills that support the content: 

Dimension 1: Developing Questions and Planning Inquiry
Dimension 2: Applying Disciplinary Tools and Concepts
Dimension 3: Evaluating Sources and Using Evidence
Dimension 4: Communicating Conclusions and Taking Informed Action

These Principles and Dimensions are reflected across the grades.

"The Four Dimensions highlighted below center on the use of questions to spark curiosity, guide instruction, deepen investigations, acquire rigorous content, and apply knowledge and ideas in real world settings to become active and engaged citizens in the 21st century."