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Weird and Wonderful Government Publications: Weird

There are some odd and interesting materials published by various government agencies. This is a place to share those strange and the stunning materials.

What are weird publications?

There are some strange and interesting materials published by state, local and the federal government. These are some of weirder items dealing with UFOs, mummies, mysteries and other unexpected topics.

Analysis And Assessment Of Gateway Process

There are probably other articles written about this report - but here is the one I (JG) read. It nicely sums up the document, which can be rather dense reading. Either that, or my right and left brain hemispheres aren't focused enough for me "to alter consciousness, moving it outside the physical sphere so as to ultimately escape even the restrictions of time and space.”

Bigfoot is Real?

The habitat to one of America's greatest legends may be at risk. Thaddeus Guttenberg u.s.f.s.
Bigfoot is as real as this 2017 post from the U.S. Forest Service.

You can also read FBI files on Bigfoot here!

Catalogue Of Library Books Issued To Vessels Of The U.S. Navy

Ever wonder what books US Navy sailors had available for reading in 1886?

This book lists them!

Recent German Developments In The Field Of Dental Resins

Image of a terracotta bust of John Paul Jones

John Paul Jones commemoration at Annapolis, April 24, 1906.

John Paul Jones was a revolutionary war admiral who died in Paris in 1792. Despite being considered a hero of the Revolutionary War he did not return to America till 1905. Part of the this commemoration details the investigation to locate his remains and how they were identified. Alcohol was involved.

EPW Packard

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Have you heard of Elizabeth Packard? She was a reformer with a chilling story. Her husband had her forced from her home and held in an insane asylum. It took three years for her to be freed. The behavior that lead to this incarceration? A difference of opinion regarding religion. Her story is worth reading as she is credited with influencing state legislation and a federal law in 1875 allowing asylum inmates mail access. Thanks to her efforts Mary Todd Lincoln received a jury trial in 1875 to determine her mental state  when her son Robert tried to have her declared insane.

Postal Rights of Inmates of Insane Asylums, 1874,  Congressional Serial Set 1654


The prisoners' hidden life, or, Insane asylums unveiled : as demonstrated by the report of the Investigating committee of the legislature of Illinois, together with Mrs. Packard's coadjutors' testimony 1868

Modern persecution, or, Insane asylums unveiled : as demonstrated by the report of the investigating committee of the legislature of Illinois, by Packard, E. P. W. (Elizabeth Parsons Ware), 1874.

Includes testimony at her trial.

"The great evil of our present Insane Asylum System lies in the fact, that insanity is there treated as a crime, instead of a misfortune, which is indeed a gross act of injustice." - EPW Packard


What crashed in the desert outside of Roswell, New Mexico in 1947? X-Files fans wanted to know, and there was an answer. These volumes are seeped in Cold War intrigue, science experiments, and conspiracy!

The Roswell Report: Fact Versus Fiction in the New Mexico Desert (1995)

The Roswell report : case closed (1997)

The Roswell Report Case Closed

Roswell documentry

Br'er Tater

Trigger Warning: Racist language.

"Br'er Tater" and Garden Sass Will Help Feed You

FedDoc Y 3.F 73/2

Connecticut State Library Description: "Found in: The United States in the World War: pamphlets relating to food. Collection includes pamphlets, leaflets, posters, newspaper clippings, circulars, and newsletters concerning wartime food conservation in the United States during World War I. Items chiefly issued by the United States Food Administration."

War Program For Public Eating Places

I wish General Order 7 had been in place for private homes in the1970s - when my grandmother served Welsh rarebit often.