This clearinghouse, hosted in the Minnesota State University, Mankato's institutional repository, Cornerstone, was established to assist federal depository library staff in creating intriguing and eye-catching displays for promoting government documents collections. A number of displays submitted to us from around the U.S. have been incorporated into this site. This enables others to view displays on numerous topics, as well as the sources used to create them.
You can find an alphabetical subject list of displays below which were featured at various libraries. Simply click on the desired topic to view the photos and source list from the respective library.
The clearinghouse is seeking displays from other libraries. We welcome digital images and lists of sources. These items may be submitted to Cornerstone via e-mail.
Originally Created and Maintained by Mark McCullough, Reference Coordinator and Memorial Library Systems.
Sponsored by ALA GODORT Education Committee and Minnesota State University, Mankato, MN.
Made Possible by the U.S. Government Documents Depository Community, List of Contributors.