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Voting & Elections Toolkits

Voting and advocacy resources by librarians for librarians

Introduction to Advocacy

Advocacy incorporates public support for a particular cause with educating policymakers about substantive issues that can be affected by policy. There are many ways to advocate for libraries and for public access to government information. GODORT seeks to create opportunities for library workers and information professionals to develop and strengthen their advocacy skills, and will add resources from programming as they are made available.

Advocacy Resources

ALA provides a number of resources to aid in getting started with advocacy, for libraries or other issues. 

Advocate for the FDLP

The GODORT Legislation Committee created with this one-page tool to educate others (including elected officials) about the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP).

Beyond the Vote: Lessons in Civic Engagement and Advocacy

At the 2022 ALA Annual Conference, GODORT hosted the session Beyond the Vote: Lessons in Civic Engagement and Advocacy. The following slides are from the session.