E-Mail Discussion Lists and Electronic Communities
AUTOCAT is a semi-moderated international electronic discussion list running on LISTSERV(R) software. It serves as an electronic forum for the discussion of all questions relating to cataloging and authority control in libraries. The range of topics discussed extends from the very broad to the very specific, from the very theoretical to the most pragmatic. A searchable archive is available to subscribers.
DocTech-L is an e-mail discussion list devoted to questions regarding the technical processing of Government Documents.
GOVDOC-L is a moderated LISTSERV®-based discussion forum about government information and the Federal Depository Library Program. It is not affiliated with any government, government agency, or professional organization, although it may be monitored and used by FDLP officials to discover problems and provide answers. Postings are archived at Penn State's Archives of GOVDOC-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU. GOVDOC-L is supported by Pennsylvania State University, Duke University, and LISHost. Subscribe through LISTSERV@LISTS.PSU.EDU. A searchable archive is available to the public.
The FDLP Community archive of announcements is available online. The FDLP.gov search options can be limited to ‘News.’ The public may subscribe to New & Events to receive official emails related to the FDLP. At least one person at each depository library must be enrolled.
The Maps and Air Photo Systems Forum is an international discussion forum primarily for map librarians. The list includes subscribers from the USGS and includes discussion of map processing and cataloging issues. Archives of MAPS-L are searchable without a subscription.
Program for Cooperative Cataloging Discussion Lists
Access searchable archives operated by the Library of Congress. These are also available through a Cataloger’s Desktop subscription.
SERIALST (Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum) at serialst@simplelists.com is an informal electronic forum for the discussion of most aspects of serials processing in libraries. Since 2014, it has been hosted by NASIG (formerly the North American Serials Interest Group, Inc.) Appropriate topics include (but are not limited to): cataloging, acquisitions, collection management, serials budgets and pricing concerns, binding, preservation, microfilm and other non-print serials media, union list activities, announcements, news, and job postings that are of interest to the serials community. The message Archives are publicly accessible.
"The official catalog of LISTSERV® lists" allows users to browse or search for public lists of interest and get information about LISTSERV host sites.