FDLP.gov, the website of the Federal Depository Library Program
Many useful FDLP titles are linked from this page, including news items and upcoming events. Main headings include Collection Tools, Requirements & Guidance, Preservation, About the FDLP, and Cataloging & Classification. This is an essential stop for depository librarians!
FDLP Requirements & Guidance, Collections & Databases contains information on products and services that are uniquely available to depository libraries. Look for updates in 2019 to the FDLP basic collections and essential titles.
FDLP Academy provides educational resources including conference reports, webinars and webcasts on a wide variety of government information topics for the depository community and the public. It's an excellent source for information about changing collections, databases, and services.
New Depository Coordinators [Tutorials]
An overview of the basics of being a depository coordinator, a list of resources with descriptions of what they are and how they can be used, and more.
Now maintained by Bobby Griffith, Melody Kelly originally prepared this list for students taking SLIS 5660, Government Information and Access Service, at the University of North Texas School of Library and Information Sciences (Denton, TX).
LSCM Performance Metrics
Each year the FDLP publishes LSCM Year in Review, which summarizes the activities and work of Library Services and Catalog Management.
Federal Depository Library PURL Referrals
For many years, GPO has assisted libraries in their measurement of PURL usage by compiling statistics. In 2010, GPO announced an FDLP PURL Referral Tool (log in using internal FDLP password). Persistent Uniform Resource Locator (PURL): Explanation, Purpose, and Tracking Usage at Your Library offers background information and links to a file repository of published data.
Compiled by the GODORT Education Committee, this site includes subject specific handouts and materials, such as collection development policies authored and used in a variety of libraries.
FDLP Data Manager is the successor to Wichita State University's Documents Data Miner (DDM). FDM is a collection management system for libraries in the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) using data provided by the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO). A web-based data warehousing and data mining tool, FDM assists depository libraries in processing, cataloging, and development of their FDLP collection. For more details go to https://www.fdlp.gov/collection-tools/fdlp-data-manager
GovSpeak : A Guide to Government Acronyms & Abbreviations
Lists acronyms and abbreviations commonly used by the United States federal government, compiled by Kelly Smith. AALL/GODORT Government Documents Tutorial "The purpose of this application is to help library workers understand and implement basic procedures for processing U.S. federal publications and information resources."