The Hawai‘i State Library is the home of the Hawai‘i Documents Center (HiDoc) depository system for state documents. State law requires that state agencies provide copies of their documents for distribution to the state depository libraries. Most documents are cataloged in the Hawai‘i State Public Library System (HSPLS) catalog by the HSPLS Technical Services Section (TSS). HiDoc also produces the Hawaii Documents List, a record of state documents accessioned each fiscal year. State documents are classified by TSS using a system based on the Jackson classification system. No published cataloging guidelines exist, although there is an internal-use guide.
Contact HiDoc: 808-586-3543 or
These resources can be used for descriptive cataloging and authority work for Hawai‘i state government documents.
The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Library maintains an extensive collection of documents from the State of Hawai‘i, Territory of Hawaii, Republic of Hawaii, and Hawaiian Kingdom. All documents are cataloged in the University of Hawai‘i system catalog. Other UH system libraries also contribute records for state and county documents to the catalog. Contact the UHM Library Cataloging Department at 808-956-8074 or
The GODORT State Agency Databases Hawaii Guide provides an annotated list of state government agency resources which includes libraries, catalogs, directories and digital collections. These are excellent resources for cataloging and authority work.